Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Come out, come out wherever you are!!!

Since the Downe Township Committe wants to bring up being stood up at a meeting.....

It was passed, in a resolution, at the April 1, 2013 committee meeting to "shut the squad down," and to have a meeting with the squad on April 22, 2013 @ 1830.  Well, ladies and gentlemen, April 22, 2013 @ 1830 came and went...with NO meeting!!!  In fact, NO one from the committee showed up!!!  Now, we (the squad) were told that there would be no meeting.  But my question is, how can the committee resolve to have a meeting, then just NOT have the meeting??? They resolved to "shut the squad down," and they surely happened, but NO meeting!!!

I'm curious to know what else the committee resolves to do, then doesn't do, for whatever reason.  These are the people that we have running our township and spending our tax dollars.  Something smells fishy in this township, and I don't think it has anything to do with Fortescue being the "weakfish capital of the world!"

You want my opinion, I think the majority of the committe is laying in the grass, like a snake.  They are laying in the grass, waiting for their predator (the squad), to pass before they lift their head and return to the public view!!! 

Well, I have news for those snakes.  Keep waiting for us to pass!!!  We will not go away without being heard!!!

More to come.....

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